194. Renee Elaine5 Hardesty (Lloyd Lavern4, John Robert3, John Coleman2, James1) was born Torrington, Goshen co., WY 20 Jan 1952. Renee died 6 Oct 1974 in Lexington, Dawson co., NE, at 22 years of age. Her body was interred 10 Oct 1974 in Lexington, Dawson co., NE, St. Ann's cemetery.
Renee Elaine Hardesty and Kenneth J. Beans had the following children:
304 i. Kenneth Clinton6 Beans (still alive).
305 ii. Edward Lloyd Beans was born in Lexington, Dawson co., NE 6 Oct 1974. Edward died 6 Oct 1974 in Lexington, Dawson co., NE, at less than one year of age.
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